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Unlock the Confidence to Negotiate Your Worth & Get the Salary You Deserve.

Unlock Your Success Now
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Does this sound Familiar?

You’re holding back from asking for that raise or promotion, and it’s keeping you stuck.

I get it—standing on the edge, knowing you deserve more, but feeling like asking is jumping off a cliff. It’s scary, but you’re far more capable than you think. Let’s unlock that.

You want to negotiate, but don't know where to begin.

I’ve been there. You know your worth, but when it’s time to ask, you freeze. That’s normal, and starting is half the battle.

You’re unsure if you can pull off a successful negotiation.

That inner voice whispers, “Can I really do this?” But you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t ready. You’ve got the talent and drive—let’s silence the doubt and show up like the powerhouse you are.

Seriously - where do I even begin!!!
Hey, I got you!

If that’s you, hang tight, because I’ve got the magic to turn it all around. 💥

Here’s the deal, gorgeous:

When you’ve got the right tools and a boost of confidence, nothing can stop you from negotiating like the queen you are. This isn’t about becoming someone else—it’s about stepping into the badass version of YOU.

The numbers don't lie.
  • Women hesitate, but it costs them: Let’s stop that. Women ask for 30% less than men on average—time to change the game.
  • Asking works: 70% of those who ask for a raise get it. So why not you?
  • Career growth happens: Confident negotiators rise faster, earn more, and claim the recognition they deserve.
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You + The Confident Negotiator Toolkit =


  • Master the ask, conquer the fear: Get the confidence to request what you deserve without hesitation.
  • Negotiate like a pro: Handle even the toughest conversations with ease and authority.
  • Walk away with results: Use proven scripts to make your ask and secure the raise, promotion, or recognition you've earned.

It’s not just about being in the room anymore—it's about making your brilliance impossible to ignore and your value undeniable. 

  • You’ll finally have the confidence to ask for what you deserve—whether it’s a raise, promotion, or more flexibility—knowing your voice will be heard and respected.
  • You’ll master the art of negotiation with clarity and conviction, turning every conversation into an opportunity to lead and achieve your goals.
  • You’ll command attention with a presence that leaves no doubt—you’re a leader who knows their worth and isn’t afraid to ask for it.
Secure your toolkit today and unlock the results you deserve!
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Imagine This... 

You walk into any conversation with total confidence—no more second-guessing, just owning your worth and getting exactly what you deserve. You? Unstoppable.


Your raises, promotions, and opportunities? You’re not waiting for them—you’re asking for them, and you’re getting them. Because when you know your value, the world takes notice.

You’ll have the clarity and guts to say, “This is what I want,” and watch doors swing open. No more playing small. It’s your time to step up, take control, and shine.



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What's Included?

#1-Step-by-Step Video Lessons

 Learn negotiation strategies you can apply right away.

#2-Done-for-You Scripts

Exact phrases for asking confidently in any situation.

#3- Worksheets & Action Plans

Stay organized and track your progress.

#4- Mindset Shift

Confidence-building exercises to silence self-doubt.

#5- Lifetime Access

Revisit any time you need a boost or are preparing for your next ask.

The Result? 

By the end of this mini-course, you’ll be walking into every negotiation like a total boss—confidence high, clarity sharp, and zero hesitation. You’ll have proven strategies in your back pocket, ready to ask for what you deserve and get it. No second-guessing, no playing small. Just you, owning your worth and showing the world exactly what you bring to the table.

The Result? 

By the end of this mini-course, you’ll have the confidence, clarity, and proven strategies to walk into any negotiation, ask for what you deserve, and get it—no hesitation, no second-guessing.

How do I know if I'm ready?


Perfect for you if:

  • You’re ready to step up, speak up, and make sure your voice is heard in every negotiation, meeting, and beyond.
  • You want the confidence to ask for what you deserve, knowing your words hold power.
  • You’re eager to learn how to negotiate assertively, without losing your natural warmth or respect.
  • You’re ready to align your negotiation style with your career goals and finally get the recognition (and pay!) you deserve.

Not for you if:

  • You’re not ready to invest in building your negotiation and communication skills.
  • You’re comfortable staying quiet and letting others take charge.
  • You prefer to remain in the background instead of stepping into leadership.
  • You’re not ready to overcome self-doubt and embrace a confident, assertive mindset.
  • You’re looking for quick fixes rather than lasting growth and transformation.
Claim yours now and start seeing results today!

Let's take a look at what's inside


Module 1: Mastering the Confidence to Negotiate

Discover how to silence the self-doubt and walk into any negotiation knowing you’ve got the confidence and control to ask for what you deserve.


Module 2: Research Your Worth

Learn exactly how to research your market value so you can back up your ask with solid data and facts—no more guessing, just results.


Module 3: Crafting Your Negotiation Plan

Get step-by-step guidance to create a personalized negotiation game plan, so you’re never caught off guard and always ready to pivot.



Module 4: Evaluating Your Negotiation & Next Steps

Learn how to reflect on your negotiation, assess what worked and what didn’t, and create a long-term strategy for future success. We’ll guide you through the key steps to evaluating your performance, managing your emotions, and identifying areas for growth—turning every negotiation into a learning opportunity that takes you closer to mastering the art.


Bonus: The Mini Empowerment Bundle 

Unlock ready-to-use scripts, a powerful negotiation checklist, and mindset-boosting audio visualizations that will have you walking into any conversation feeling unstoppable.

Hey Game-Changer!

I created this course just for you because I’ve seen way too many smart, talented women hold back, waiting for permission to ask for what they deserve. Guess what? That ends now. This course is packed with everything I’ve learned about negotiating with confidence, owning your value, and making sure your voice is heard—broken down into simple, actionable steps.

I’ve been there—dealing with self-doubt, navigating tricky conversations, and finding my voice in a world that often expects women to stay quiet. But here’s the truth: you already have everything it takes to get that raise, promotion, or recognition. You just need a little nudge—and that’s what I’m here for.

So, if you’re ready to stop playing small, step into your power, and own your worth, I’ve got your back. Your voice is your greatest asset, and I can’t wait to see you use it to take charge of your career.

With all my love and belief in you,


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Ready to Ask for What You Deserve & Transform Your Career?



Start transforming your negotiations—get access now!




Yes! A 100% Money Back Guarantee

I’m so confident this course will transform the way you communicate and lead that I’m offering a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. Here’s the deal: if you complete the first 3 modules of worksheets and don’t feel a shift in your confidence or clarity, just send me your completed worksheets, and I’ll refund 100% of your investment. Because the proof is in the work, and I’m committed to your success.

Commonly Asked Questions

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 Unlock your full potential with The Confident Negotiation Toolkit—your all-in-one guide to getting exactly what you deserve!



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Start Negotiating Your Worth Today
See you on the inside!!!