Snag Your Free Negotiation Scripts Now
Hey there,

Really glad you're here 🤎.

I’m Dr. Stephanie Dean—an entrepreneur, speaker, and strategist on a mission to empower voices and spark innovation because I believe that when we communicate fearlessly, we transform the world around us.

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Hey friend,

Really glad you're here 🤎.

I’m Dr. Stephanie Dean—an entrepreneur, speaker, and strategist on a mission to empower voices and spark innovation because I believe that when we communicate fearlessly, we transform the world around us.

A world-traveling academic with a passion for technology, a love for language, and a vision for a more connected world, I’m proud to have built a career that bridges the gap between human connection and digital innovation.

Through my years of research, teaching, and hands-on experience, I’ve helped shape the future of communication, turning complex ideas into accessible, transformative experiences.

Here’s how I might be able to help you:

  • Looking to empower and amplify your voice in the workplace? I’ll show you how to speak up with confidence and strategically contribute to conversations that matter.
  • Overwhelmed by the pace of change and looking for a way to stay ahead? I’ll show you how to adapt and thrive, turning challenges into opportunities.
  • Want to harness the power of technology but don’t know where to start? I’ll guide you through the maze of digital innovation, helping you turn ideas into impactful solutions.

I didn’t arrive here with all the answers. It wasn’t a straight path, and it certainly wasn’t easy. But through curiosity, determination, and a relentless drive to connect people through technology, I’ve found my way—and I’m here to help you find yours. 


On a mission...
When we communicate with courage, we unlock the potential to transform the world around us. My mission is to elevate voices and ignite innovation because true change happens when we empower others to speak up, collaborate, and challenge the status quo.



You might be thinking, "Stephanie, what led you to this unique (or weird?) path?"

I was the kid who loved both diving into a good book and tinkering with the latest gadget, always curious about how we communicate and connect in this increasingly digital world. I wanted to understand what makes people truly connect, how technology can enhance those connections, and ultimately, how we can use these tools to bring out the best in each other.

My passions weren’t limited to just one thing. I found myself captivated by everything from linguistics and storytelling to virtual reality and organizational behavior. I was equally drawn to the analytical side of things as I was to the creative process. But instead of fitting neatly into one category, I embraced all these interests, seeing them as complementary pieces of a larger puzzle.

After earning my degrees and diving into academia, I realized that my true calling wasn’t just in research or teaching—it was in bridging the gap between human potential and technological advancement. I knew I wanted to do more than just follow a conventional path, so I took the plunge into the world of user experience and digital innovation.

Leaving the safety of a traditional career track wasn’t easy, but I knew it was the only way to fully explore my passions. I started taking on projects that challenged me to think differently, to push boundaries, and to explore new ways of connecting people through technology. Over time, I carved out a niche that allowed me to combine all of my interests into a career that is as multifaceted as I am.

Today, I’m proud to say that I’ve found my place in this ever-evolving landscape, helping others discover their voices and harness the power of technology to create meaningful change. And while my journey hasn’t always been straightforward, it’s been a deeply fulfilling one—proving that sometimes the unconventional path is exactly where we’re meant to be.

Because at the end of the day, it's all about connection—and I’m here to make sure every connection counts.




a professor


take me to the mountains!




my family


Jarvis, the rescue pup

Where to next?



Meeting Prep Worksheet

Don't know when to speak up in a meeting? This simple FREE tool will help you get out of your head and into the meeting, confident and ready to make an impact.



a Free 30 Minute Call

Ready to take your workplace communication to the next level? Clear, confident communication can transform how you're perceived, boost your productivity, and open doors to new opportunities. A free discovery call is the perfect place to start—together, we’ll identify your unique challenges and create a personalized plan to help you thrive. Don’t wait—book your call today and start building the professional relationships and career success you deserve!



The Confident Negotiator

Tired of hesitating when it comes to asking for the raise or promotion you know you deserve? The Confident Negotiator Toolkit gives you the proven scripts, strategies, and confidence-building tools you need to advocate for yourself with clarity. Whether you're stuck on how to start or not sure you have what it takes to negotiate successfully, this toolkit will help you master the art of negotiation, so you can walk into any conversation knowing your value—and get what you've earned.


All New Podcast

Never miss an episode of  "I Think You're on Mute", a podcast dedicated to empowering women to find and elevate their voices in the digital workplace. Each episode dives into the value of mentorship, collaboration, and meaningful conversation, offering insights and strategies to help women break through the noise, speak up with confidence, and lead with purpose in remote and hybrid work environments.

Join us as we explore how to unmute your potential and make your voice heard, no matter where you're working from.


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